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Applying for a Rental Property

By Luke O'Kelly

The rental market can be very tight and often moves quickly therefore it will always pay to make sure you are well organised before you view a property. Once you have found a property or properties you wish to view, make sure you email or call Ray White West End to register your interest so we can make an inspection time for you. If you feel you may have something that might hinder you from getting the property i.e pets, number of persons allowed in the property etc., please call Ray White West End and ask the questions

How we process your application:
Before submitting your application, you or someone on your behalf will need to view the property and accept you would like to apply for the property in its current condition. Your application will be processed during normal business hours, we generally process within 24 hours of receiving your application. After processing and if everything checks out, your application is then submitted to the owner for their decision. Their decision is final.

What you need for a successful application:
Firstly, if you are genuinely interested in the property and want to put your best foot forward it pays to bring a completed application form with you to the inspection. This will allow for a quicker processing time and will put you in front of the rest. A few hours could be the difference between you getting the property or missing out.

Here is what you will need: Please note this is all detailed on the application form.

  • Full contact information of all proposed occupants including mobile phone numbers and email addresses
  • Current residential address information
  • Details of all pets (if any) including type, size and whether they are kept inside or outside
  • Vehicle registration numbers for all proposed occupants and whether any of the occupants are smokers or not
  • Personal references, it’s best to have 2 personal references that can be contacted to give you a reference
  • Employment details, name of your employer and payroll contact details
  • Identification – 100 points required
  • Proof of Income/Pay Slips
  • Current Bank Statement
  • Centrelink Statement
  • Proof of Address (Electricity / Phone Bill) – 10 points
  • Photo ID (Driver’s License/Passport) – 40 points each
  • Birth Certificate – 10 points
  • Bank/Medicare Cards – 10 points each
  • Copy of Residential Rates Notice – 10 points

    If your application is successful:

    You will not be committed to the property until you have been confirmed with our office and the confirmation of application letter has been sent to you.  Once agree, you are committed to the property and are required to pay 2 weeks rent within 24 hours to secure the property. The property will not be removed from our availability list until the holding deposit is paid. This can be paid via the B-Pay system, cash or card.

Once we receive your holding deposit, all relevant lease documents will be sent to you to read over and sign. It is very important to read these thoroughly.

Before keys are released, you are required to pay your bond, equivalent to 4 weeks rent. This can also be paid the same way as the holding deposit. Please note the bond needs to be cleared funds before the keys can be released.

You are almost there! The last step is to make an appointment with the property manager in our office to sign the relevant tenancy documentation. These appointments can be made weekdays between 2pm – 5pm, allow 30 mins for this. Please make sure that everyone who is going to be on the lease comes to this appointment or has signed their part prior to this if they cannot make it.

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