If your neighbours have also lost power please contact ENERGEX directly on 13 62 62 as the fault may be a network issue.

If your neighbours have power you will need to first check your switchboard. In houses the switchboards are generally located in the garage or on an external wall. In units they are generally in a cupboard in the kitchen or hallway.
Once located, look for a safety switch or circuit breaker which is in the off position (toggle down and opposite the others in the board as seen in the below picture).
This can be turned on by flicking the switch back. If the switch does not turn on (or stay on) you will need to unplug ALL your appliances (be sure to remember powerpoints that are hidden such as fridge, dishwasher and outdoor water pump).
Reset the Safety Switch and plug in all appliances in one at a time, if the safety switch trips when an appliances is plugged the cause of the power tripping has been located – leave this unplugged and restore power to the rest of property.
For units, if the Safety Switches are all in the on position and there is still no power it is possible that the main switch for your unit in the community switchboard has tripped. Locate your community switchboard where you units main switch will be marked. If this is in the off position you can reset by flicking the switch back upwards.
Note: If this does not rectify the problem please notify your Property Manager or contact a licensed Electrician